quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010

Final Conference: Empowering SME Managers in Second Life

Dear Colleague,

In the behalf of VITA’ partnership, you are invited to participate in the Final Conference of this project, entitled “Empowering SME managers in Second Life”, on the 22th October 2010, in Viana do Castelo (Portugal), at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (see the location at http://portal.ipvc.pt/portal/page/portal/estg/estg_localizacao).

After the collaborative work in the scope of a Leonardo da Vinci—Transfer of Innovation project, the trans-European partnership intends to:

î share with the participants knowledge, tools and resources for their own innovation initiatives;

î demonstrate the use of VITA outcomes and products;

î connect with others towards further developments and projects.

The event is open for Companies, Academics, Education Institutions, Teachers and Students, eLearning and ICT developers to discuss:

  • the emergent profile of SME leaders in Europe;
  • best-practices, methods and instruments in training managers;
  • the potential of Second Life and 3D virtual environments to enhance learning opportunities in business and other fields.

Please find the programme at our website http://vita.bitmedia.cc.

The conference is also linked to the CENTERIS’2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems in the same location. More information at http://www.eiswatch.org/centeris2010/.

Come along and feel free to present your own ideas and projects to us,

Clara Rodrigues

Project’ Coordination

PS: participation is free but registration is mandatory. The registration form and travel information can be found on http://vita.bitmedia.cc

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